Saturday 14 May 2011


For my A2 Media Coursework, my brief was to create a website for a new TV channel aimed at teenagers. Iv called my website Rev's.

Question 1
Check Spelling

In what way does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions on real media products?

The before i started designing my website, i started to research other websites such as MTV and 4music, on both of these websites the navigation bar was at the top of the screen, the navigation bar helps audience's move from page to page on a websites.A navigation bar contains different hyper links this is a convention of websites because any website with one or more pages needs to be linked together by hyperlinks so all the content can be accessed easily.

I decided to use this on my website because it was a common convention on each website and i thought it looked professional and would suit my website.This is a screen shot from my homepage which shows where my navigation bar is.

i also thought it would make it easier for my audience, i found this out through my research into Jakob Nielson. i think i have challenged the code and conventions by creating a website dedicated to cars and music. The reason why i think i have challenged the code and conventions is because through my research i didn't find any other websites which where dedicated to these. One of the reasons why i have created this website is because cars and music is a big passion of mine, and my age is within my target audience of teenage boys aged between 18-21 years old.

Another way i have used the code and conventions is by including many different eye catching pictures and videos, i have used different image to give a insight into what programmes there will be on "Rev's TV". All of the images i have used are relevant to my target audience as well as my website. The reason why i have included videos to my website is to advertise Rev's new bands, during my research i found that other popular teen websites such and MTV included videos.

For my ancillary texts, we had to create a newspaper add and a double page spread for a listings magazine. Again before i created these pieces i decided to do some research, i researched into different type of newspaper Ad's from newspaper add such as The Sun and The Mirror. i found out that the code and conventions of a newspaper add was that most Ad's had relevant images towards the product, information what the product is about, slogan, logo, and contact information. For my research into double page spreads for a magazine i found out that the majority of them contained images relevant to the product, logo, lot more information about the product than a newspaper add . I followed the code's and conventions of a newspaper add by making my newspaper add eye catching and simple the reason why i have used these was because i thought it was the most affective. another convention i used within my work was that i added a slogan and my logo. i came up with the Slogan "here comes the revolution" i used this because i wanted to create a brand around rev's and create a connection between all of my work. i stayed with the conventions of a double page spread for my peace that there was a lot of text, logo images and slogan, i used these to attract an audience and create a reconition around my brand.

Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

The products i have is my website named "Rev's", a newspaper ad and a double page spread. The reason for creating these products as i have previously menaced i wanted to create a brand around "REV's". The ways i have done this is by keeping the same logo in each one on of my products i have also kept the same colour scheme thought out my tasks, during my research i found out that companies do this to create a well done brand i also found out the reason why they keep the logo on all advertisement and products is that the customer will know what they belong too. Iv included my TV channel numbers and website address so its informative and leads them to each one of my products. The information on my double page spread is an extended version from my newspaper . in my newspaper add my information gives an in sight into the develop pages on my website and gives a taster of the features on the TV channel.

Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

From the feedback i received i understood my strengths and weaknesses. I asked everyone in my media class, the problem with asking the people from my media class was that not everyone in my class was in my target audience. The positive thing about asking people in my media class was that they didn't just give me feedback on the superficial side on my website but on the technical side.I would of liked to get a larger group together who where in my target audience aged between 18-21 year old boys. The reason why i didnt do this was due to time. In terms of my websites, my strengths were varied, many people commented how i linked up some of my top 40 to amazon so you where able to download songs, most of the feedback i had aswell said i needed more information on my home page, i took this feedback on board and added to my homepage a brief descrpition about what Rev's is about.

Another problem my class mates helped me with was their opinions on my logo, i designed as i was unhappy with my orginal logo and decided to create a new one. my orginal desgin was a checked flag back ground with Rev's on it, i wasnt sure if i like it becuase i thought it was unproffesional. i improved this with a new design of "rev's" in blue and oulution in white which created revoulotion which linked in with my slogan of there comes the revolution, this worked well becuase it connected with my other bits of work and looked better, my media class also agreed.

Thursday 12 May 2011

New Car Page

With my new car page i had trouble with copy right issues because i wanted to do reviews on new cars and wanted to use images of the car's. i asked my media teacher for advise on this becuase i was stuck, she advised me only put good information in the reviews as then its only good advertisment for the company.

I got two of my images of the dealer website which where ford and honda.

i also have on my new car page a car of the week, and again i thought i would have a copy right issue with the photo i wanted to use but again i used only good information about the car and the picture i used was taked of my own car.

This is my page for new cars,

the clocks on the top of my page is from my parents car which i took myself.


i have started working on my website with the new logo. i have linked up all of my pages witch are

Home, New cars, Up and coming acts, whats on?, competitions and top 40

the reason why i have put virgin, freeview and sky logos is to advertise that Rev's also have a t.v channel, iv also given a brief desciption on what the website Rev's is about.

Band confirmation...

Because i have a page on my website that is aimed towards to bands... i have decided to try and find bands that i know and haven't made it big yet.

i have found a band called My Ceramic Rabbit, i know this band because my mum works with one of the band members son. i have had verbal permission to use their band name and pictures.

iv added another band to my new acts page... i have got permission from one of my freinds to use his bands pictures and video. the band is called tiger please.

Monday 9 May 2011

Bad News- lost my memory stick

i have stupidly lost my memory stick and haven't backed up any of my work..... so i will have to start again.
I have decided to change my logo because i no longer like my old logo.

The Reason why i have changed my logo was because i have made a slogan for my newspaper article which was " here comes the revolution". Revolution means fundamental change in power and something new. Rev's is going to become a new power of the net

Thursday 20 January 2011

Website: the begining

we have started to create the begining of our websites in class on Kompozer. the first thing we did we to create a table which was 3x6. the top row was my logo, middle row was my mavigation which are Home, New Cars, Up and Coming Acts, Whats On?, Competitons and Top 40. And the bottom of table will contain all the content for my pages.

my Logo

I have design my logo using photoshop..

i think that my logo is very simple but affective, it shows the customer what the name is for my website and what the website will contain the background is a checkered flag this again allows the viewer know what the website is about. i have chosen to use blue for the writing because i think that is stands out on the black and white background also i think the colour blue appeals to male as this is my target audience.

Website Planning

i have started to plan my website, the layout and what the content will be. i have decide that my website will be about cars and music i would like my website to contain new music, new cars, top 40 and maybe some competitions.
im think i will be aiming my website and male as i think they would enjoy my website the most.
in class we have started to use Kompozer and photoshop to design our websites.

Newspaper Advertisement

the first newspaper advertisement i have found is for daily start bingo, i think this advertisement is very simple but affective, it clearly shows what the advert is selling, bingo and the £10 welcome bonus. It contains Daily starts logo and a short slogan 'Big Jackpots.Big Fun' this short but catchy.

in my opinion this advert is very simple but clearly shows what its about, i think the colours used are very i catching. I think that the colours used are very clever because it doesn't specify to a certain sex, it appeals to both men and women.

The next newspaper advert i will be looking at is for Tesco.

Again in this advertisement the company has used its logo as well as their slogan which is 'for you&you family' this allows people to recognise who they are, another way which they have let the readers know who they are is by the colours used which are blue, red and white these are tesco colours which are in the logo. the advert is adverting that Tesco is the cheapest out of their competitors and that you can receive clubcard point.
In my opinion i like the way advertisement uses the same colours as is in the logo this allows the reader who they are and let tesco stand out. i like the bold clear writing they have used this lets it easier for readers to read it.


As well as creating a website for my coursework i have to create a newspaper advertisement, advertising my new TV channel.

The codes and conventions for a front page of a newspaper.

The front page as many different jobs to do-

first it must attract the customer
Show the newspaper identify so its easy for the customer to find it
shows the main headlines and what the newspaper contains

In my research of advertisment in newspapers is to make sure that the advertisement is eye catching and it contains a the company logo and/or brands name, the company logo it important it must be recognisable for example of a well none logo's are McDonald's 'M'

Everyone knows this logo and it is important that a company has well none logo as this let the customer know who they are and what they are selling.
Another common way of advertising in newspapers is to use slogans. A slogan is a small group of words that are used in a special way to identify a product of company, A good example of this is Nike's memorable slogan is 'JUST DO IT'