Thursday 20 January 2011


As well as creating a website for my coursework i have to create a newspaper advertisement, advertising my new TV channel.

The codes and conventions for a front page of a newspaper.

The front page as many different jobs to do-

first it must attract the customer
Show the newspaper identify so its easy for the customer to find it
shows the main headlines and what the newspaper contains

In my research of advertisment in newspapers is to make sure that the advertisement is eye catching and it contains a the company logo and/or brands name, the company logo it important it must be recognisable for example of a well none logo's are McDonald's 'M'

Everyone knows this logo and it is important that a company has well none logo as this let the customer know who they are and what they are selling.
Another common way of advertising in newspapers is to use slogans. A slogan is a small group of words that are used in a special way to identify a product of company, A good example of this is Nike's memorable slogan is 'JUST DO IT'

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