Thursday 20 January 2011

Newspaper Advertisement

the first newspaper advertisement i have found is for daily start bingo, i think this advertisement is very simple but affective, it clearly shows what the advert is selling, bingo and the £10 welcome bonus. It contains Daily starts logo and a short slogan 'Big Jackpots.Big Fun' this short but catchy.

in my opinion this advert is very simple but clearly shows what its about, i think the colours used are very i catching. I think that the colours used are very clever because it doesn't specify to a certain sex, it appeals to both men and women.

The next newspaper advert i will be looking at is for Tesco.

Again in this advertisement the company has used its logo as well as their slogan which is 'for you&you family' this allows people to recognise who they are, another way which they have let the readers know who they are is by the colours used which are blue, red and white these are tesco colours which are in the logo. the advert is adverting that Tesco is the cheapest out of their competitors and that you can receive clubcard point.
In my opinion i like the way advertisement uses the same colours as is in the logo this allows the reader who they are and let tesco stand out. i like the bold clear writing they have used this lets it easier for readers to read it.

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