Tuesday 9 November 2010



Today in meda we were asked to research different websites for my website i have chosen to analyse MTV's website. We where asked to look at what audience the site was aimed at. the genre ( colours, fonts and images used). We also looked at where and how the navigation worked how easy the layout was e.g how easy it was to find things. The first thing i decided to look at was the Navigation.

The navigation was at the top of the page and the font was clear and bold this meant that it was easy to work you way through the site. The tabs bars were easy to use, to navigate through the site all you needed to do was to hover over the tab bars and a drop down list would appear giving easy directions and direct links the the content you are looking for.

MTV is a unisex websitefor teens to young adults this meant that MTV had a wide audience and still has the potential and room to grow in the future. the website used many bright and vibrant colours which where eye catching which showed that it was not aimed at on gender and at certain age groups. The font style was very simple and easy to read. The Font was black this meant that it wouldn't get lost in the colourful background.

MTV used lots of different images. the images that where on the home page where on a reel this meant that the pictureson the website kept changing every couple of seconds, this kept their target audience interested and they can choose a picture to select and read the content. The background that they used kept changing when different tabs where selected. The website also contained a gallerie page where all the pictures on the site where for easy viewing.

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